The latest offer of CZECH HOCKEY CAMPS is the option to request SKILLS DIAGNOSTICS.
You can request SKATING SKILLS DIAGNOSTICS or HAND SKILLS DIAGNOSTICS or BOTH before the start of camp for an extra fee. The process is: we record a video of the player completing standard drills focusing on specific skills before the start of the camp and then again doing the same at the end. We send our EVALUATION by email after the end of our camps. It will include: videos, detailed analysis and descriptions of techniques, highlighting the mistakes, improvements during the camp and recommendations for future practices and ongoing improvements.
Why is there a delay in the EVALUATION?
The evaluation is done by our most experienced coaches and we need and want them in the training process throughout the camp to take care of the players training. After the camp finishes they can create an accurate and good quality evaluation of individual players.
We keep all information in our system as well as a "PLAYER´S SKILLS CARD". If you return to our camps and request further diagnostics, we can evaluate your improvement over a longer period.
If you are interested in our DIAGNOSTICS, please contact us.