The second week of May we welcomed amateurs hockey players from France, who are coming here every year. Very intense week started on Saturday, when all players arrived. After everyone ate dinner and had some Czech beers, everyone went to bed because on Sunday it all started at 7:45AM. First of all everyone went on ice, where they started with some basic skating skills. In the second hour of the ice session they started working on the technical part of cross overs, passes and shots. After the first successful practice we were continuing on to an off ice where we tried to encourage the basics to perfection. After lunch and some rest we had another practice on the ice, where we slowly start rising the level of difficulty and speed. When we finished 4 hours on the ice we only had a stretching left to do.
In the other days we had the same schedule with only couple changes in the afternoon program. Tuesday afternoon our hockey players went to sight seeing historic center of Prague, some of them even experienced the night live there. On the other hand Wednesday was in the mindset of games. First half of the group had a exhibition game with HTP Praha, they were all fighting through out the game until the end. Unfortunately our team lost the game, but everyone enjoyed it and in the end there was a photo with the team from Prague.
Next day our second team took on another team from Prague, btw a team who is part of MCRA division "C" Snehulaci. First period started like any other game but in the beginning of the second period both teams exchanged some players so it continued all mixed up together. Everyone appreciated this move and enjoyed the game. The game was more in the mood of enjoy the game rather than win.
Friday, which was the last day began like any other day with 7:45AM on the ice. All the drills were designed to simulate game like situations on and off the ice. Our very last practice Ludovic (French head coach) had prepared some skill competitions along with favorite competition "Crash Ice".
After all the awards were handed to winners, everyone took some pictures with their favorite coaches or new friends and camp was in the end.