Due to measures of Czech goverment because of COVID – 19 all events was planned in the Czech Republic up to April 11 2020 moving. Immedaitelly as we know the new dates of events, we will inform you. Your paid deposits will be moved to new dates. In the case that situation will be more complicated in the near future, we will discuss the possibilities with You. Recently we have to wait for the end of emergency state in the Czech Republic and then we give You information about new dates and localities.

Let´s be patient, solidary, strong… and strictly folllow all the restriction – because THE HEALTH is the MOST IMPORTANT. And look forward to meet each other again on the ice. And do not worry, we give You huge possibilities to catch up again all the work and entertainment, what we will miss now for any time.

 Hope, everything will be all right in the summer. So You can book your spot for one of many Sports Events, what take part in summer, fall and winter…..

See YOU soonJ

Sports Events team




22.03.-28.03.2020 INDIVIDUAL CAMP PAGUE – moved to 22.-28.8.2020

03.-05.04.2020 MČRA DIVIZE „C“ – Beroun – canceled

03.-05.04.2020 MČRA DIVIZE „A“ – Trenčín – waiting for the progression of situation in Slovakia

10.-12.04.2020 MČRA DIVIZE „A+C“ – Liberec – moved, we will inform You

12.04.-18.04.2020 INDIVIDUÁLNÍ KEMP PRAHA – waiting for the progression of situation, recently we are ready to run camp in the regular dates and shape

17.-19.04.2020 MČRA DIVIZE „B+C“ – Plzeň moved, the dates could be valid, but the destination sure be different, we will inform You

17.-19.04.2020 MČRA DIVIZE „B“ – Beroun – moved, the dates could be valid, but the destination sure be different, we will inform You


All the other events are recently as planned.




© SportsEvents 2017